There is an average of 1,749 local government for each state! The rules of the game are published in the U.S. Constitution. These specific rules of the game consist of the expressed powers, implied powers, and inherent powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. The role of the President is to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
President Trump new policy is to reverse the Franklin D. Roosevelt's "New Deal" to Trump's "Pancake Deal". The Republican party has now embraced a course to reverse the "Welfare State" of the 1930' to creating a new 2020's "Corporate State". President Trump would like to reverse the majority of President Obama's "new deal updates" with a new "pancake federalism".
Republican President Calvin Coolidge used his five-year pancake breakfast as a brand for downsizing the federal and state government. President Coolidge employed the top public relation firm to create the " pancake breakfast".
Trump's new experiment is to "drain the swamp" by starving the 87,504 types of American government of cash. Trump's economic strategy is to flatten the 87,504 types of government into a pancake. The economic trade-off would be to empower the top 500 Corporations and banks with deregulation and lower taxes.
President Trump wants to adopt new policies that downsize all federal branches of government. He can "deconstruct" the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. The Republicans control both houses of Congress and can pass Draconian laws which economically starve the Federal Government and State government.
The goal of "pancake federalism" is to create a political framework which creates a depressionary environment for Federal and State government. The purpose is to reduce, downsize, degrade and eliminate government workers and services. For example, education would become a sunset industry by reducing government funding. Public school teachers would be facing a decade of declining wages and income. They can downsize all federal positions by hiring freezes and funding. The entire new Tax plan would be the first step to creating this new experiment in "deconstruction".
Trump's ultimate goal is to create a 1920's type of economy in the United States. The roaring 2020's will be based on lower tax rates, fast economic growth, deregulation, stagnant Federal and State spending, new entrepreneur class, new sunrise industries and new manufacturing in the United States. The top 40% will see an incredible rise in wages and income and the 60% will miss the 2020 train of success.
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