Friday, September 19, 2008

American Style Derivates War Games, 2008

The final chapter of the great derivates mystery has been written by the the Federal Reserve and Treasury department. The end game seems to be a massive infusion of capital to stop the loss from the private contracts issued by the derivates players. They played a form of
Derivates War Games that led to a massive leverage on an international basis with other Global banks. They executed these private contracts in secret and played the game with the intention of using the real estate assets as a pawn on the playing board of the Derivates War Games. They launched their secret derivates rockets into the financial universe and created a massive fall out and not a zero sum game. The goal of the Derivates War game was to create a zero sum game where the derivates would cancel out each other and create a interest gain from the entire
game. The Investment Banks played this game to win but they could not find the investment rubric which would value each transaction. The consequence of this game is the creation of an
American recession and Global recession which will last from 2008-2011. The Derivates War Games still have not been regulated and will exist has a potential disaster for the future players of this game.

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